
TCM-Acupuncture Balance Method

Acupuncture is a therapeutic method from Chinese medicine that dates back thousands of years and is based on balancing the vital energy, known as Qi, that flows along the body’s meridians. An imbalance (excess or deficiency) in this energy flow can lead to pain and illness—physical, mental, and emotional imbalances. By inserting needles at specific acupuncture points, the flow of energy can be regulated and balance restored to the body.
Acupuncture, particularly electro-acupuncture, is widely used to treat muscle and joint pain, digestive issues, stress, sleep disorders, hormonal disturbances, and many other conditions.
The Acupuncture and specifically the Balance Method we apply at our center is known for its rapid action. Many patients report significant improvement in their symptoms after just one session.
The Balance Method differs from other forms of acupuncture through the use of distant points on the extremities and head. These points are distant from the area where the patient experiences pain or other symptoms. A key characteristic of this method is the use of meridians as a comprehensive system for diagnosis and treatment.