Man in the main focus

From a person suffering from the effects of the western life style (sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, stress, anxiety, phobias) to a week-old baby suffering from colic or headaches due to the various difficulties it had at the time of childbirth, everyone is entitled in physical, non-invasive, specialized and personalized care. In Integrative Osteopathy we focus on the person who is ill and not simply on the illness that their health has suffered.

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Having significant experience and deep knowledge of our subject, at the Integrative Osteopathy center, our mission is to offer healing, relief and well-being to whoever chooses to honor us with their trust. Men, women, children, young people, the elderly, suffering from injuries, migraines, chronic illnesses or syndromes, athletes and artists in need of regular physical education, pregnant women and babies can find a free treatment zone here to express their concerns.
In the Integrative Osteopathy center you can share your problem, so that the solution that will be provided to you is perfectly adapted to your own needs.



Osteopathy is ideal for the demanding needs of a body which exercises, as preventative or post traumatic means



If dancing, singing or acting is your art, then osteopathy is the right treatment for you.



1/3 of all European families have a member who suffers from chronic pain. Don’t fall into this category and relieve your pain with the help of osteopathy..



If you are wondering why your baby is crying, maybe, osteopathic treatment has the answer. The baby's skull is soft and pliable, so that it fits in the vagina during childbirth. Deformities of the head from childbirth, or oblique headaches (due to sleeping on one side), sleep or eating-digestion problems, headaches or reductions, are problems that affect our little friends, but the solution can be found in simple techniques of gentle release in the areas of the head-torso-pelvis.



Osteopathy can help with the special needs of pregnancy (body statics - musculoskeletal pain), but also in restoring the position of the pelvis and internal organs after childbirth.